Grooming Services
Our awesome groomers work Tuesday-Saturday each week to keep our clients looking good!
Whether your pet requires a complete makeover, a de-shedding or just a scrub,
we promise to go above and beyond to make sure your pets experience is a positive one.
Walk in Services:
Walk in Services are available from 9AM to 3PM Daily
Skunk Bath - Small $10/Medium$15/Large$20 in addition to the regular groom price.
Cat Nail Trim - $12 Dog Nail Trim - $12 w/Dremel - $15
Ear Cleaning - $10 w/plucking - $15 Gland Expression - $20
Feet Trim - $15 Sanitary Trim Dog/Cat - $15
Combo - Nails/Feet Trim - $20 Teeth Brushing - $12
Dog Baths
Bath packages include: Shampoo & Conditioner,
brushing, nail trim, ear cleaning/plucking, cologne
and bow or bandanna
Under 25lbs : $37+
ex: Chihuahua, Min Pin, Mini Dachshunds
25lbs - 45lbs: $47+
ex: Toy Poodle, Shih Tzu, Yorkie, Pug
45lbs - 70lbs: $57+
ex: Small Lab, Hounds, Cattle Dogs
70lbs - 90lbs: $67+
ex: Lab, Pitbull, Doberman
90lbs and over: $79+
ex: Rottweiler, Shepherd, Great Dane
Don’t see your breed? Feel free to call us with any questions,
an accurate estimate cant be given with out seeing your dog in person.